It’s officially the start of 2019 and there is no better way to ring in the new year than with a fitness challenge!
Whatever your goals may be, the January “New Year Best You” Challenge is a great kickoff challenge to help you achieve your goals in 2019! Live your best life!
2018 has been an exciting year! We celebrated our 3rd anniversary and was voted the "Best Gym in Dallas" by both the Dallas Observer and Dallasites 101, among many other memorable moments throughout this year.
Most importantly, 2018 was amazing because of our GRITFAM community. The GRITFAM community is truly what makes GRIT Fitness so great. We are so much more than just another Dallas fitness studio - we are the GRITFAM and we are so grateful for all of you! Keep reading for our Top 10 Most Memorable Moments of 2018! 1. Celebrating 3 Years of BusinessDREAM BIGGER
We often set goals and have expectations for ourselves that are so small in comparison to what we are truly capable of.
This is why Chief GRIT Officer Brit Rettig created the 21 Day Challenge. She wants women to believe bigger, dream bigger, and achieve bigger. LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE
At GRIT Fitness, we want you to live your best life, period. We use a fitness-focused approach to help you develop GRIT, i.e. inner strength that gives you confidence and power to live your best life.
Do you love fitness?
If no, we understand! Let’s be honest, most people are not born as fitness lovers and even the most avid fitness lovers have moments where they become bored with their workout or lack motivation. If you find yourself lacking the motivation to work out or genuinely find yourself disliking exercise, here are 4 secrets about people who love to exercise and how you too can find love for fitness. GRIT = INNER STRENGTH
At GRIT Fitness, we utilize fitness as a way to develop inner strength or grit, both mental and physical.
The grit you develop during fitness classes can help you in every facet of your life by teaching you how to power through challenges and succeed on the other end. We believe that grit is the key to both fitness success and to living our best lives. COMMUNITY VIBE
The community vibe at GRIT Fitness is an important part of our culture.
We are a Dallas community of strong, empowered females who encourage and support one another to live our best lives. WOMEN EMPOWERMENT
At GRIT Fitness, we believe in empowering women to be the best versions of themselves.
Our proud female community empowers and encourages one another. We believe in lifting each other up and supporting one another so we can all live our best lives. There’s room for everyone at the table. POSITIVE MOTIVATION
We all need positive motivation from time to time.
Unfortunately, motivation is fleeting for most people. That’s why it’s so important to refresh yourself with positive motivation regularly. A bout of motivation daily can help you achieve your goals both personally and professionally.
At GRIT Fitness, we start every class the same way - by introducing yourself to your neighbors.
We believe in the importance of fostering community because when you connect with others, you will live a more fulfilling, positive life. |
January 2019
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